UXPressia: our research ally

UXpressia is an online tool that helps you create great User Personas and Experience maps. The platform provides a large number of templates with explanations and case studies that make it easier to build your own maps.

In Antropología 2.0, we work with this tool to organise data during fieldwork and to facilitate the visual representation of our findings. In this post, we explain some of the features of UXpressia and how we use it.

Uses for research

UXPressia is a great tool at the beginning of the resarch projects. At the kick-off session it helps us start a dialogue of how they imagine their clients experiences are currently and/or how would they like them to be in the desired future. Thinking about the interaction points between clients and the company at the beggining of the research is fundamental. It also allows us to define the locations and timings at which we can plan out to carry out fieldwork.

During the collection of fieldwork data, it allows us to drop and organise observation notes, and to formulate and reformulate the user personas and experience.

During the analysis phase it has made it easier to find connections that were not evident and to identify fields of interest where data was not sufficient or needed further exploration.

Uses for deliverables

Our research projects usually focus on how human beings behave when consuming and using products and services, or in their relations with and within companies. Whether they are end-users, buyers or part of a company´s staff, we seek to understand why they behave the way they do and what are their unattended needs. This task requires long hours of observation, conversation, coding and analysis to find the valuable insights. Hence, the necessity to use  tools that can make our work smoother and faster.

If the ideas we generate are not understand buy those who make the decissions for changes to be made, the work we do would be useless. UXPressia contributes enormously to the communication of our results thanks to the well-designed deliverables that combine qualitative data with digestible visual representations.

The site offers different templates to build Experience maps: Customer Journey Maps, Employee Journey maps, etc. All of them allow to clearly identify points of interaction between customers/users/employees and companies/products.

Here is an example of CJM that we made for a comparative research on Millenials in different countries. In the specific map you see beneath, we represented the purchase cycle of tech products for a millenial from the Czech Republic vs. one from Colombia:


As you can see, apart from including a visual guide of the steps followed by our interviewees to acquire technological products, the platform allows us to add different categories of analysis to describe what they feel, think and the problems they face in the purchase process. 

In other words, UXPressia reduces work-time by allowing us to quickly put together experience maps, update them, and work collaboratively on them. It also allows multiple people to work and comment on the same document, facilitating collaboration among teams, joint data uploading, and remote work.

Sign up with UXPressia

The platform has paid features, however it also has a free version (“Forever free”) which only difference is that it reduces the number of projects you can work on. However, its prices are affordable ($20/month per user -if paid annually-) considering that, if you start using it you will surely recover the investment. Besides reducing the cost in terms of time, it will probably no longer be necessary to ask a designer to make up these deliverables.

Finally, we would like to point out that their customer service has pleasantly surprised us. Whenever you have a question, simply ask through the chat and within 48 hours you will have a friendly response with suggestions or guidelines to solve the problem. In addition, from time to time they carry out interviews to get feedback from their users with the aim of improving the platform and creating new and improved services.

Go ahead, take a look at UXpressia now!

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